Monday, February 14, 2011

The poor are happy

It is a real challenge to me seeing people who have nothing being happy in life. That is not to say they couldn't use a leg up; a bit of finance; some health care etc.; but many are content with what they have and value the important things in life without the myriad of distractions and candy coated disappointment we face here in the west. So here are some faces. Some of these people just wanted me to take their photo, others I chatted to, others I talked to in more depth...

A Challenge to be Happy

Many of us have heard people who come back from visiting 'developing countries' say they "don't know why we have so much stuff", or "didn't realise I had it so good". That is certainly my experience.

We lived in caravans on a farm for several months prior to going to Ethiopia in order to try and save money to help pay for the trip. I guess this minimal lifestyle, having very little around us, being challenged with facilities and doing it rough, helped prepare us for the trip.
Still, however, we are back in Australia, I have a disability pension coming (although the level of monetary support is a bad  joke), and we have a roof over our heads thanks to some friends. So as we acclimatise to Australia again, what are the people we met left with? Here are some '3rd World' photos that show their living conditions...


Thursday, February 10, 2011

God provides

Coming back to Brisbane after being on an overseas mission team has been interesting. Last time we came back, from HongKong/China, we came back to our own home and job, and good circumstances. This time, we have come back to see the impact of the massive floods on Brisbane, to find our sort of home at the farm wrecked by mold and rats, and to financial challenges.

We have stayed with a dear friend and her children for a few weeks, but have felt it best to move if possible soon. Tonight, God has provided. We move in with another family with more space tomorrow.

Where to from here? We don't know. We only know we feel called to missions, particularly Ethiopia at this stage, and YHWH will need to provide health and finance if we are to go again. We also need some stable family accommodation,  but the waiting list for government housing is a year long even if you have multiple disabilities in your family.

God knows. He enables and provides according to our calling. We can see some weeks ahead. We will trust for beyond that, because in His hands, we are Lumps of Clay.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Making a start

Tonight I have put up my first page. It's about Ethiopia. I plan to blog from there. It's a start. I hope you find it interesting. I hope it makes you think :)